Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Paul, reconsidered

So I was walking on the beach with Brindy a while ago, and was reflecting on how strange life is, if you think about it. For me, at least. I was just trying to walk the dog, but I kept thinking about Drug Court, and how they have a hold on me for the next year. Then I started thinking about my back, which hurts all the time, and how nice it would be to smoke a bowl of marijuana and stop the back pain for a while. I mean, they told me now that I can take Vicodin as long as I have a prescription, which I do. So, I think to myself, in the forward thinking Peoples Republic of California, I can obtain a valid prescription for marijuana as well. It's safer than opiates, not nearly as addictive, the benefits go on and on. But, I then remind myself that I do not have that option because of choices that I have made in my life, and that I had better just walk doggie-poo back home and go to an NA meeting. Which is where I'm going right now.

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