Friday, September 18, 2009

Late night in I.B.

It's 12:30, and I can't sleep. The ghetto bird keeps flying overhead, very low and very noisy. Everyone else is sleeping, so I can't make any noise or one of the girls wakes up and mad dogs me. Which is funny if it's Brindy, 'cause she's never been mad in her life! Reading over my texts for this class, Concrete Inspection. The texts are the actual code manuals, and are technical in the extreme. There's a lot of formulas, equations, little greek symbols next to numbers, and various and asundry other things that I abhor. Cool word, huh? Abhor. Sounds dirty. And math, math is dirty. So, maybe there's nothing wrong with my thinking, besides being a little convoluted. What I'm so ineloquently trying to say is that I don't like math in any form, and I'm a little intimidated by the tomes that I have to learn cover to cover. I know LOTS about concrete. I've forgotten more about concrete than most concrete guys will ever learn. Poured thousands and thousands of cubic yards. But, to inspect it at the level that I'm trying to reach, requires an in-depth knowledge of principles I am baffled by. So, I guess that all this insomnia time could be better spent with nose in book. Goodnight, all.

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