Monday, January 25, 2010

Another sick day

But unfortunately, I don't get paid sick days, since I am subcontracted (read: pimped out, prostituted, slave-driven, etc.). I have an appointment with the psychiatrist tomorrow, which is good. This is how it starts for me. Not going to work, being constantly angry at nothing and everything, bad dreams every night. I'm really trying to be proactive, but  I just could not make myself go to work this morning. I know I need to, we desperately need the money, but there was just no way it was happening. I am now going to get up, walk Brindy around I.B. for as long as I can, soak up some of this SoCal sun, see if that helps things.


  1. Hang in......tomorrow is another day! Did you go to that church?

  2. Yes, we did. It's a satellite of the large one we go to in Eastlake.
