Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trying really hard to do my homework

But it's kind of difficult. Right now, I feel like there's nobody on my side. I have a wife that's scheming behind my back, talking about leaving. She won't do it for a while, though, because I pay all the rent. What little money she makes gets spent on her daughter. Which is all well and good, if you can pay your bills first. I don't do a damn thing for my kids, because I have to pay the bills. I really, really want to be by myself. At least then, I know who's with me and who's against me. Cause right now, it's me against the world. Funny thing, how people go around behind your back, telling the whole world what a bad person you are, but are still happy to let you buy groceries, pay rent, pay electricity, you know. I am so fucking tired of it. And the funny thing is, I let myself get put into a situation, where I can't tell her to leave, cause then she calls the cops, makes up some lies, and I go to jail. It's a fucking lose, lose situation, and there's no light at the end of the tunnel.

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