Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Life is exasperating.

At times, I almost feel like it's too much. Now, I don't mean I'm gonna end it all, or go postal or anything like that, I just don't know why it has to be sooooooooo freaking hard to do anything in my life. I need to make a living, support my family, pay my child support, rent, insurance, Slurpees, you know. But no, I'm still on disability. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm thankful that at least I have that, that the $200,000.00 surgery I just had was paid for, but I don't know. I just see everyone around me getting ahead, and here I am at 40, with less than ever. I just gotta keep in mind that a lot of this is the consequences of the way I've lived my life in the past. That doesn't mean I gotta like it!

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