Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Night, 11:33

Man, I haven't been able to sleep lately. I often can't sleep, but for the past week or so, it's been really bad. I have been getting almost no sleep. I can't go to sleep, and then I wake up around 3am, and can't go back to sleep. Hopefully, it won't last long. Maybe it's stress from having to talk to the surgeon, and the possibility of surgery. I have some anxiety about it, and the fact that the adjuster thinks she gets to pick the doctor for me. I have very capable representation in this case, and I know my rights, I need to just take a deep breath, slow down, and take things one step at a time. You know, one of the most important ideas in AA/NA is the "one day at a time" theory, and it's a valid, proven one. I just don't have enough practice doing it! For myself, I find that I have to take it one minute at a time, especially when I start thinking. We all know where my best thinking got me. Here! So, for now, I'm going to turn off the computer, lay down, read for a while, and try to live in the moment, and not worry about next week, or my next doctors appointment, or anything except for today. Tomorrow, I'll tackle whatever comes my way, one thing, problem, and day at a time.


  1. That's right! That's really all any of us can do!

  2. Hey Mom! Yeah, I'm going to be changing a lot. I'm going to take responsibility for my part in things, and try to move forward with a minimum of hassle. Hopefully, everyone involved will act like adults. Hopefully.
